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Избранные публикации
Makarenko, LF; Markevich, VP; Murin, LI Modifiable thermal donors in silicon in the form of defects with U-less-than-0 Soviet Physics Semiconductors-USSR, 19 (11): 1192-1195 NOV 1985. (pdf)
Latushko, YI; Makarenko, LF; Markevich, VP; et al. Electrical and optical characterization of thermal donors in silicon Physica Status Solidi A-Applied Research, 93 (2): K181-K184 (1986). (pdf)
Makarenko, LF; Murin, LI Trapping of minority-carriers in thermal u(-)-donors in n-SI Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Research, 145 (1): 241-253 JAN 1988. (pdf)
Маkаrеnkо L.F. An explanation of electronic structure for thermal double donors in silicon // Solid State Communications.– 1996. - V.98, 1. - P. 107-110. (pdf)
L.F. Makarenko Reevaluation of energy levels for oxygen-vacancy complex in n-type silicon crystals. 1. Weak compensation. Semicond. Sci. Techn., 2001, v. 16, N 7, p. 619-630. (pdf)
Bruzzi, M; Adey, J; Al-Ajili, A; et al. Radiation-hard semiconductor detectors for SuperLHC Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment, 541 (1-2): 189-201 APR 1 2005.
Makarenko, L.F. Application of DLTS and Laplace-DLTS to defect characterization in high-resistivity semiconductors / L.F. Makarenko and J.H. Evans-Freeman // Physica B: Condensed Matter. – 15 December 2007. – V. 401-402. – P. 666-669.
Makarenko, L.F. Reactions of interstitial carbon with impurities in silicon particle detectors / L.F. Makarenko, M. Moll, F.P. Korshunov, S.B. Lastovskii // J. Appl. Phys. – 2007. – V. 101, № 11. – P. 113537-113542. (pdf)
L.F. Makarenko, S.B. Lastovski, F.P. Korshunov, L.I. Murin, M. Moll, Primary defect transformations in high-resistivity p-type silicon irradiated with electrons at cryogenic temperatures, Physica B: Condensed Matter, Volume 404, Issues 23-24, 15 December 2009, Pages 4561-4564. (pdf)
Junkes A., Eckstein D., Pintilie I., Makarenko L.F., Fretwurst E. Annealing study of a bistable cluster defect//Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 612, Issue 3, 11 January 2010, Pages 525-529.
Makarenko L.F. "Electronic stucture of donor pairs in multivalley semiconductor." Doklady of the Academy of Sciences of Belarus 39.1-3 (1995): 44-47.(in Russian pdf)
Elena Levchuk, Leonid Makarenko, Modeling of Magnetic Field-Assisted Electron Manipulation in Nanogate-Donor System//Proceedigs of 2nd International Conference on Modern Applications of Nanotechnology, Minsk, May 6-8, 2015, Minsk, 2015, P113 (pdf)
Макаренко Леонид Федорович
НИИ прикладных проблем математики и информатики Белорусский государственный университет пр. Независимости, 4 – 502 220030, Минск тел.:+375(017)2095075 факс:+375(017)2095104 makarenko@bsu.by