Mikhail Maltsau


Deputy Director for Research


  • Mathematician-Programmer: BSU, Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Department of Mathematical Modeling and Data Analysis, 2009;
  • Master degree at the BSU, Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, 2010 (scientific adviser Yu.S. Kharin).
  • Candidate of Science Degree (PhD): BSU, Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, 2015 (scientific supervisor Yu.S. Kharin)

Research interests

  • Statistical analysis of small-parametric Markov chains;
  • Probability and statistical methods of cryptanalysis.

Major Publications

  1. Харин Ю. С., Мальцев М. В. Алгоритмы статистического анализа цепей Маркова с условной глубиной памяти // Информатика. 2011. №1. С. 34–43. (pdf)
  2. Kharin Yu. S. On statistical analysis of Markov chains with conditional memory depth / Yu. S. Kharin, M. V. Maltsew // 9th International Conference Computer Data Analysis and Modeling: Complex Stochastic Data and Systems. Vol 2. Minsk. 2010. P 22 – 25.(pdf)
  3. Мальцев М.В. Вероятностно-статистические свойства цепей Маркова переменного порядка // Материалы V Междунар. конф.-форума “Информационные системы и технологии (IST’2009)” в 2 ч. Ч.2. / редкол.: Н.И. Листопад [и др.]. – Минск: А.Н. Вараксин, 2009. С. 63–66. (pdf)

Contact information

Maltsau Mikhail
RI for Applied Problems of Mathematics and Informatics
Belarusian State University
Minsk, Belarus, 220030
4, Nezavisimosti Ave., Office – 427
Telephone: +375(17) 2095054