Sergey Agievich



Head of IT Security Research Laboratory.


  • M.S. in Mathematics, 1993, Belarusian State University, Faculty of Applied Mathematics;
  • Ph.D. in Mathematics, 1998, Belarusian State University (scientific advisor – Yu.S. Kharin).

Research interests

  • boolean functions for cryptography;
  • cryptographic algorithms and protocols;
  • enumerative and asymptotic combinatorics;
  • exponential sums;
  • system of polynomial equaitions.


  • lecture course "Cryptographic methods" (Belarusian State University, Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, since 2005);
  • lecture course "Cryptographic protocols"(Belarusian State University, Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, since 2021);
  • Ph.D. scientific advisor of A.A. Afonenko (2006), O.V. Solovey (2006, co-advisor together with Yu.S. Kharin), A.S. Maslov (2009, co-advisor together with Yu.S. Kharin);
  • cryptographic puzzles.


  • GF2: a C++ library for algebra over GF(2) (repo);
  • Bee2: a cryptographic library (repo);
  • Bee2evp: an OpenSSL engine over Bee2 (repo).

Selected publications

Boolean functions

  1. Agievich S.V. On the representation of bent functions by bent rectangles.– Probabilistic Methods in Discrete Mathematics: Proceedings of the Fifth International PetrozavodskConference (Petrozavodsk, June 1–6, 2000). Utrecht, Boston: VSP, 2002, p. 121–135 (pdf).
  2. Agievich S.V., Afonenko A.A. On the properties of exponential substitutions. – Vesti NAN Belarusi, 2005, №1, p. 106–112 (in Russian, extended English version: pdf).
  3. Agievich S.V. On the affine classification of cubic bent functions.– Trudy  Instituta matematiki NAN Belarusi, 2006, v.14, №1, p. 3–11 (in Russian, English version: pdf).
  4. Agievich S.V. Bent Rectangles.– Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Boolean Functions in Cryptology and Information Security (Moscow, September 8–18, 2007).Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2008, p. 3–22 (pdf).

Cryptographic algorithms

  1. Agievich S.V., Galinskij V.A., Mikulich N.D., Kharin Yu.S. On the block cipher BelT. – Upravlenie zashchitoi informatsii, V.6, №4, 2002, p. 407–412 (in Russian, extended abstract: pdf).
  2. Agievich S.V. The modified Wegman – Carter MAC-scheme. –  Proc. of V International Conference "Information systems and technologies" (Minsk, November 16–19, 2009), 2009 (in Russian, extended abstract: pdf).
  3. Agievich S.V. The short Schnorr's signature with preliminary hashing.  – Proc. of VI International Conference "Information systems and technologies" (Minsk, November 24–25, 2010), 2010, p. 10 –14 (in Russian, extended abstract: pdf).
  4. Agievich S., Marchuk V., Maslau A., Semenov V. Bash-f: another LRX sponge function. – Mat. Vopr. Kriptogr., 2017, 8:2, 7–28 (pdf).
  5. Agievich S. EHE: nonce misuse-resistant message authentication. – Prikl. Diskr. Mat., 2018, no. 39, 33–41 (pdf).
  6. Agievich S. XS-circuits in block ciphers. – Mat. Vopr. Kriptogr., 2019, 10:2, 7–30 (pdf).
  7. Agievich S. The CTR mode with encrypted nonces and its extension to AE. – Mat. Vopr. Kriptogr., 2020, 11:2, 7–24 (pdf).
  8. Agievich S. On the guaranteed number of actiovations in XS-circuits. – Mat. Vopr. Kriptogr., 2021, 12:2, 7–20 (pdf).


  1. Agievich S.V. Two-stage allocations and the double Q-function.– Journal of Combinatorics, vol.10, 2003, R21 (pdf).
  2. Agievich S.V., Solovey O.V. On the periodic properties of self-shrinking generators. –  Vestnik Belor. Universiteta. Ser. 1, No. 3, 2004, p. 69–73 (in Russian, extended English abstract: pdf).
  3. Agievich S. An upper bound on binomial coefficients in the de Moivre – Laplace form”, Journal of the Belarusian State University. Mathematics and Informatics, 1 (2022), 66–74 (in Russian, English version: pdf).

Exponential sums

  1. Agievich S.V. On the connection between the maximal coefficients of the Fourier and Walsh-Hadamardm transforms.– Proc. of VIII International Conference "Computer Data Analysis and Modeling: Complex Stochastic Data and Systems" (Minsk, September 11–15, 2007). Vol. 1, Minsk: BSU, p. 238–244 (extended abstract: pdf). 

Systems of polynomial equations

  1. Agievich S.V. The optimized Buchberger's algorithm. – Trudy Instituta matematiki NAN Belarusi, 2012, v.20, №1, p. 3–13 (in Russian, pdf). 

Effective implementation

  1. Agievich S.V., Poruchnik S.V., Semenov V.I. Small scalar multiplication on Weierstrass curves using division polynomials. – Mat. Vopr. Kriptogr., 2022, 13:2, 17–35.


  1. Kharin Yu.S., Agievich S.V. Computer practice on mathematical methods of information security. – Minsk: BSU, 2001 (in Russian).
  2. Kharin Yu.S., Bernik V.I., Matveev G.V., Agievich S.V. Mathematical and computer bases of cryptology. Minsk: Novoe Znanie, 2003 (in Russian, info).
  3. Kharin Yu.S., Agievich S.V., Vasilyev D.V., Matveev G.V.  Cryptology. Minsk: BSU, 2013 (in Russian).

Olympiads in cryptography

  1. Agievich S., Gorodilova A., Kolomeec N., Nikova S., Preneel B., Rijmen V., Shushuev G., Tokareva N., Vitkup V. Problems, solutions and experience of the First International Students’ Olympiad in Cryptography. Applied Discrete Mathematics (Prikl. Diskret. Matemat.). 3:41–62, 2015.
  2. Agievich S., Gorodilova A., Idrisova V., Kolomeec N., Shushuev G., Tokareva N. Mathematical problems of the Second International Students’ Olympiad in Cryptography. Cryptologia, 2017, DOI: 10.1080/01611194.2016.1260666. Avail. at:
  3. Tokareva N., Gorodilova A., Agievich S., Idrisova V., Kolomeec N., Kutsenko A., Oblaukhov A., Shushuev G. Mathematical methods in solutions of the problems from the Third International Stu-dents' Olympiad in Cryptography. 2017. arXiv:1710.05873, 2017. Avail. at:
  4. Gorodilova A., Agievich S., Carlet C., Gorkunov E., Idrisova V., Kolomeec N., Kutsenko A., Nikova S., Oblaukhov A., Picek S., Preneel B., Rijmen V., Tokareva N. Problems and solutions from the fourth International Students’ Olympiad in Cryptography (NSUCRYPTO), 2019, Cryptologia, 43:2, 138-174, DOI: 10.1080/01611194.2018.1517834.
  5. Gorodilova A., Agievich S., Carlet C., Hou X., Idrisova V., Kolomeec N., Kutsenko A., Mariot L., Oblaukhov A., Picek S., Preneel B., Rosie R., Tokareva N. The Fifth International Students’ Olympiad in cryptography – NSUCRYPTO: Problems and their solutions, Cryptologia, 2019. DOI: 10.1080/01611194.2019.1670282.
  6. Gorodilova A., Tokareva N., Agievich S., Carlet C., Gorkunov E., Idrisova V., Kolomeec N., Kutsenko A., Lebedev R., Nikova S., Oblaukhov A., Pankratova I., Pudovkina M., Rijmen V., Udovenko A. On the Sixth International Olympiad in Cryptography NSUCRYPTO. Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics, 14, 623–647, 2021.
  7. Gorodilova A., Tokareva N., Agievich S., Carlet C., Idrisova V., Kalgin K., Kolegov D., Kutsenko A., Mouha N., Pudovkina M., Udovenko A. The Seventh International Olympiad in Cryptography NSUCRYPTO: problems and solutions. Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports, 18(2), 4-29, 2021.


  1. STB 34.101.27-2011. Information technology and security. Security requirements for software cryptographic modules. – Minsk: Gosstandard, 2011 (in Russian, pdf).
  2. STB 34.101.31-2020. Information technology and security. Data encryption and integrity algorithms. – Minsk: Gosstandard, 2020 (in Russian, pdf).
  3. STB 34.101.45-2013. Information technology and security. Digital signature and key transport algorithms based on elliptic curves. – Minsk: Gosstandard, 2013 (in Russian, pdf).
  4. STB 34.101.47-2017. Information technology and security. Cryptographic algorithms of pseudorandom number generation. – Minsk: Gosstandard, 2012 (in Russian, pdf).
  5. STB 34.101.66-2014. Information technology and security. Key establishment protocols based on elliptic curves. – Minsk: Gosstandard, 2014 (in Russian, pdf).
  6. STB 34.101.77-2020. Information technology and security. Sponge-based cryptographic algorithms. – Minsk: Gosstandard, 2020 (in Russian, pdf).
  7. STB 34.101.78-2019. Information technology and security. A public key infrastructure profile. – Minsk: Gosstandard, 2019 (in Russian, pdf).
  8. STB 34.101.79-2019. Information technology and security. Cryptographic tokens. – Minsk: Gosstandard, 2019 (in Russian, pdf).
  9. STB 34.101.87-2022. Information technology and security. Authentication frameworks. – Minsk: Gosstandard, 2022 (in Russian, pdf).


  1. Bitcoin as a capitalist experiment in the digital world (in Russian, pdf).
  2. Lattice-Based Cryptography and NTTRU-AE (pdf).
  3. Cryptographic infrastructure of Belarus 2020: current status and future plans (pdf).
  4. On the Guaranteed Number of Activations in the XS-circuits (pdf).
  5. Blind accumulators for e-voting (pdf).


Sergey Agievich

Research Institute for Applied Problems of Mathematics and Informatics
Belarusian State University
Nezavisimosti av., 4 – 802
220030 Minsk
agievich at bsu by